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Ms. Julia
2 years on line with skype, and 15 years classroom teaching, one to one and g....
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Mr. Stephen
Many children and young adults over 20 years from ages 10 to 20 including autist....
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Mr. Alexander
In my previous career I was frequently responsible for the training and devel....
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Mrs. Rachel
During my time tutoring Religious Studies, Philo....
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Miss Tna
I have been teaching for 20 years. I can teach any age, level and background.....
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Mrs. Roberta
Many years of experience up to undergraduate level with most exam boards
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Mr. Oliver
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Miss Karen
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Miss Liz
teaching assisting experience
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Miss Lauren
None 1:1 however I have planned individual time tables for many pupils in my ....
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Search Result
Dr. Marius
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Mr. Stuart
10 years teaching experience in recognised 6th form college. Delivering a wid....
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Miss Jay
I have taught maths, English, ESOL, art and prop design to children aged 6-18....
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Mr. Olanrewaju
Both face to face and online.
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Miss Simranjit
I have been a qualified teacher for 8 years and have gained a vast amount of ....
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Miss Caroline
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Miss Emma-Louse
I have experience in 1:1 tutoring at Undergraduate level that was part of my ....
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Dr. Andrew
Over twenty years in higher and further education
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Mrs. Michelle
14 years experience primary education UK - up to Deputy Head Teacher 4 years ....
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Mr. Richard
I have wide experience of teaching in schools and as a one-to-one tutor. I ad....
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