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Miss Jennifer Louise
I have over 3 years home tutoring experience. I have held home tutoring sessi....
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Mr. Pe
10 years plus
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Mr. Visesh
I have 10 years’ experience of one to one tuition for Maths A level, GC....
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Ms. Susan
12 Years in a FE college - ICT, Maths and NVQ Catering 7 years family learnin....
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Mr. Phil
I have over 5 years teaching experience. I have taught adult males within the....
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Miss Michelle
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Mr. James
Fully qualified teacher (PGDE). Fu time employee of a local college, teaching....
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Miss Emma
My experience is within a continued development in Industry as well as in Aca....
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Miss Natalie
I used to run photographic classes onboard a cruise ship in my previous job, ....
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Mrs. Sarah
I have tutored art undergraduates at UWE, Bristol since 2010 online and face ....
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Mrs. Nicola
I have taught in secondary schools since 2009 both as a supply and regular te....
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Miss Shannon
I have direct classroom experience of over 8 years, from beginner to Business....
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Mr. Matthew
Please contact as many tutors as possible (up to 4 tutors at a time). -
Please contact as many tutors as possible (up to 4 tutors at a time). -
Mr. Trevor
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