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Mr. Lewis
I'm a 27 years-old PhD student in philosophy at Kingston University. Born to ....
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Mr. Arthur
I have over 35 years experience teaching science in London schools, and over ....
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Mr. Thomas
Did some short tutoring lessons in Secondary school.
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Dr. David
As a tutor, I strive to create a friendly and pro-active, enjoyable learning ....
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Mrs. Ruth
since 1981
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Miss Hannah
Currently tutoring English language students and a young student with Special....
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Mrs. Sally-ann
Classics Teacher with over 15 years teaching experience from Primary through ....
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Miss Rosie
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Miss Lucy
I have previously worked with students studying for their GCSE English Langua....
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Mrs. Sarah
I am a qualified English secondary school teacher and taught a range of abili....
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Miss Lily
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Search Result
Mr. Joe
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Mr. Victor
I have experience teaching Russian to learners with different level of langua....
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Miss Hannah
2 primary through sats and Kent test (11plus) 3 GCSE students
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Mrs. Manuela
Over eight years
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Mr. Aidan
I have given lessons to classes of older and younger children with a broad ra....
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Dr. Jun
Been teaching many students from top schools. Some of them entered top univer....
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Miss Natalie
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Mr. Mohammed
I have over 15 years of tutoring experience. I am an experienced teacher prov....
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Mr. Charles
Tutored a some students with their bachelors degree and helped with clarifof ....
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Mr. David
I have tutored for 5 years and plan to continue for many years to come, I hav....
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Miss Ayiri
been tutoring privately for a year tutored at university
Please contact as many tutors as possible (up to 4 tutors at a time).
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