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Mr. Stephen
Five years running my own business: pass psychology
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Miss Theresa
Three years tutoring in a UK FE College and numerous Secondary school cover c....
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Dr. James
I am a senior lecture in psychology - I have over 10 years experience of teac....
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Mr. John
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Mrs. Claire
Teaching experience in biology, IT, psychology and a variety of health relate....
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Mr. Sam
2 Years teaching experience
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Mrs. Seema
Teaching English Language and English Literature to GCE and GCSE level. Teach....
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Miss Anna
I have experience in tutoring a variety of age range. I have tutored from pri....
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Search Result
Mr. Unez
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Ms. Rachel
I teach from Reception Year to Adult and have been in the Education sector on....
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Mr. Lloyd
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Mr. Ron
I have been a tutor in various roles for over 20 years. This has included pro....
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Dr. David
Senior Lecturer in International Relations and Politics; Development Studies;....
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Mrs. Margaret
Over 10 years rxperience as a lecturer and cirriculum manager
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Mr. Sheraz
Family, friends, local organisations, colleagues and recommendations
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Mr. Stephen
I have worked in the UK in London at ABC English School, Australia and mostly....
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