Tutors in Wales, UK
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Dr. Darren
I have been a qualified teacher since 2006. From 2005 to 2012 I taught at Swa....
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Mr. Mark
I currently work for a teaching agency called Superstars where I work in prim....
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Dr. Patrick
Patrick has recenly helped, or is tutoring people currently, in subjects incl....
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Mr. Roger
27 years as a full time lecturer in Media & Photography. Also visiting le....
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Mr. Charles
I have natural leadership and teaching skills which have developed over many ....
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Miss Charlotte
I have fifteen years experience in education and am a friendly, enthusiastic,....
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Dr. Marc
Currently a senior lecturer at the University of the West of England Experien....
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Mr. Leigh
Private tutor for 5 years. Grade 8 qualified.
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Miss Tonglin
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Mr. Christian
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Miss Sarah
- Student in The University of South Wales for 1 year. Student gained a 2:1. ....
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Ms. Jiayu
-1 year teaching Mandarin in Cuba. -More than 3 years teaching Mandarin in th....
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Mr. Daniel
5 years teaching Mathematics at all levels.
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Ms. Jude
Higher education Adult Learners further Education
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Ms. Gemma
I have been tutoring in person, in students homes and online for approximatel....
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Search Result
Mrs. Nicola
Over 10 years experience preparing and supporting CIPD students
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Mrs. Ruth
since 1981
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Mr. Samuel
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Mrs. Mine
14 years
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Mr. Adam
Have been an tutoring Piano for 8 years working with people of all ages and a....
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Mrs. Marcia
I have taught both EFL and Italian at all levels and have also taught Greek t....
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Mr. Stuart
Director of Music - British School of Washington DC. (Private) National and I....
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Mr. Jeff
Vast - from the weakest children at my first comprehensive school to some of ....
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Mr. Richard
Richard has 22 years playing experience and 12 years teaching experience. Gra....
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During my working life and more relevantly in a ....
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Miss Jeni
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Miss Geraldine
My initial training was in MFL(French). My teaching practices have given me s....
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Dr. Lana
10 years online tutoring (science, psychology, sociology, medical science, nu....
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Mr. XI
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Mrs. Cristina
I have extensive experience teaching young people and adults in the Community....
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