Tutors in Suffolk, UK
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Dr. Roger
28 years private tutoring full & part time. Successful exam results at al....
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Mr. Andy
I teach all ages, abilities and have experience in a wide variety of styles. ....
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Miss Elspeth
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Mrs. Maureen
10+ years lecturing and personal tutor
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Dr. Dan
Extensive and varied maths teaching. I also hold two PhDs
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Dr. Mark
Qualified occupational therapist: mental health, learning disabilities and fo....
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Mrs. Pauline
Six years of working with people to improve their speech.
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Mr. Robert
I currently teach mathematics for a local FE college up to GCSE Higher Tier a....
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Ms. Therese
Teacher of English as a Second and Foreign Language, Functional Skills Englis....
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Mr. Gilles
I am commited to teach in a very effective but patient manner. With my help a....
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Miss Charlotte
My current tutoring client is a student who wish....
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Mr. Richardnag
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Miss Catherine
I have a great deal of experience working with children and adults of all age....
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Ms. Monica
15 experience in art and 8 in italian
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Mrs. Denise
I have 8 years experience
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Mrs. Adriana
I have 15 years experience of tutoring in Romania- mathematics, English and R....
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Miss Stefania
20 years
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Mr. Paul
14 years Key Stage 2, 3, and GCSE teaching 4 years successful home tutoring
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Mr. Venrease
I am a trained teacher with over 7 years experience in teaching and tutoring ....
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Mr. Kapil
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Mr. Alwyn
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Mr. Greg
I have taught the guitar, bass and drums for nearly 20 years privately and in....
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Mrs. Michelle
14 years experience primary education UK - up to Deputy Head Teacher 4 years ....
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Mr. Julian
12 years experience of teaching Business and Economics. Grade A examiner for ....
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Mr. David
I have been the Plumbing/BSE industry for 31 years ad have been lecturing now....
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