Tutors in Oxfordshire, UK
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Miss Cristina
over 14 year in various European educational systems.
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Mr. Dimitris
I currently work as a science LSA at Highdown school and 6th form centre. I t....
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Dr. Tejas
11 Years
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Mr. Divakar
More than 6 years of tutoring experience in the field of mathematics and stat....
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Miss Alexa
I am currently studying for a PhD in Radiobiology at Oxford University and ha....
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Mr. David
Have taught piano, vocal coaching and other subjects for 30 years.
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Mr. Hugh
I have over 27 years' experience in TEFL, and several years' experience teach....
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Mr. Nick
A have had success with many students at A level and GCSE. I am especially go....
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Mrs. Karen
I am a qualified teacher (PGCE Oxford) with experience teaching Biology and G....
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Ms. Gemma
I have tutored undergraduates and first year PhD students
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Dr. Fatemeh
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Mr. Nadim
Approximately 15 years teaching and tutorial experience in several academic s....
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Miss Molly Jane
Maths tutoring: *GCSE *A Level *QTS English tutoring: *Foreign language
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Dr. Jodie
I have experience of tutoring GCSE students (biology/chemistry/physics) - OCR....
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Mrs. Elissavet
I have a 15 year teaching experience of Greek, ancient and modern, Latin, His....
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Miss Luna
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Dr. Carmen
More than 20 years teaching at Higher Education
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Mrs. Gillian
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Mr. Ric
I've been teaching English for Academic Purposes for more than 10 years in di....
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Mr. Hugh
25 years profession teacher, performer and composer
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Mrs. Jill
I am currently tutoring an individual in preparation for AS and A2 Business e....
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Miss Laura
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Mr. Marco
Extensive tutoring experience for over 5 years, specialising in: Oxbridge Adm....
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Dr. Antal
I worked both as teacher, tutor and Physicist. I also prepared mixed ability ....
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Mr. Olu
In 2013, I volunteered as a teacher in a local primary school, where I taught....
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Mrs. Elena
Over 10years, all exams, 2 to 70'year olds, Buisiness and other specialty MFL....
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Ms. Xue ping
Over 10 years experience of teaching children and adults Mandarin Chinese - M....
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Mr. Warren
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Ms. Kristy
I deliver for-fee one-to-one Mandarin tutoring to Oxford residents and univer....
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Mrs. Michele
I am an experienced teacher and leader. I have tutored students throughout my....
Please contact as many tutors as possible (up to 4 tutors at a time).
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