Tutors in Lancashire, UK
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Mr. Mark
8 years
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Mr. Paul
Over 5 years experience of being a specialist A level Chemistry tutor helping....
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Miss Mingcan
I`ve had some tutoring work through UK tutors and Tutor Hunt. Also,I`ve joine....
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Mrs. Oxana
I am passionate about teaching. I hold 6 years of experience in teaching pre-....
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Ms. Janet
none yet, but very keen to start!
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Prof. Mike
15 years
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Miss Chantelle
Although I am new to EFL teaching I am fully qualified in General English, Bu....
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Mr. Paul
35 years
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Mr. Noam David
I have 10 years experience teaching a wide range of English lessons - includi....
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Mr. Phil
I have over 5 years teaching experience. I have taught adult males within the....
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Mrs. Berry
4 years experience with ages 2 years to 65
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Miss Chloe
6 years of playing bass, and teaching at the Pendle Music Academy.
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Mr. Alberto
I have been tutoring for 3 years privately while studying at University in It....
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Mr. Joshua
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Mr. Timothy
I have 20 years teaching experience. I currently teach Year One in a school j....
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Mr. Khalil
I have over 14 years of experience and I am an examiner so I can target exams....
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Dr. Vindhya
I got more than 8 years experience of teaching postgraduates, undergraduates ....
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Ms. Rizwana
I have taught in primary schools, colleges, further education and community l....
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Mr. Leonardo
I am very experienced at making students interested and motivated in Maths an....
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Mr. Amer
Please contact as many tutors as possible (up to 4 tutors at a time). -
Mr. Rob
Over 30 years teaching experience all levels from high school to undergraduat....
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Miss Gina
Please contact as many tutors as possible (up to 4 tutors at a time). -
Mr. Mohammed Iqbal
O level to Undergraduate, and adult l;earner of advanced computer programming....
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Mr. Ron
I have been a tutor in various roles for over 20 years. This has included pro....
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Dr. Ishtiaq
I have taught as Lecturer at under-grad level in the department of mechanical....
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Miss Danielle
As a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA) I am equipped to teach in ....
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Prof. Ernest
Twenty-five years.
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Miss Sophia
I have benn a voluntary t4eacher in hairdressing level 1,2 and 3 for 2 years ....
Please contact as many tutors as possible (up to 4 tutors at a time). -
Mr. Paul
Please contact as many tutors as possible (up to 4 tutors at a time). -
Mrs. Emma
Please contact as many tutors as possible (up to 4 tutors at a time).
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