Tutors in Kent, UK
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Mr. Brian
Qualified Maths and IT teacher with 20 years experience of private tuition fo....
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Miss Lauren
I have spent six months working as a teacher in a secondary school teaching G....
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Mr. Andy
I have been working for the last year as a private home tutor teaching physic....
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Mr. Shane
Shane has been tutoring, coaching and lecturing for 10 years. Shane's tutorin....
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Mr. Arthur
I have over 35 years experience teaching science in London schools, and over ....
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Mr. Mike
Taught both undergraduates & postgraduates (including MBA students) over ....
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Mr. Joseph
I have taught for 5 years in Inner London Schools including Newham and Lambet....
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Dr. Thushitha
6 Years of experience teaching Science( Chemistry, Biology, physics) upto all....
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Miss Anita
I have been teaching piano, violin and theory lessons privately for the last ....
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Dr. Sean
I have twenty five years of experience, in various British schools and univer....
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Miss Abi
None as yet, but extensive work with children both in and out of school envir....
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Mrs. Kristin
I studied at the Royal Conservatoire on Scotland and got my BMus Hons Degree ....
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Mr. Thomas
Did some short tutoring lessons in Secondary school.
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Mrs. Debirah
Been tutoring for over 20 years . I run gcse and a level revision classes . L....
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Mrs. Melissa
I have taught in Grammar schools in Kent, outer-London schools and a wide var....
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Search Result
Mr. Phil
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Ms. Diana
I have 15 years experience in giving private classes to adults, in both indiv....
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Miss Victoria
English tutoring including home schooled students and students with specific ....
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Mr. Philip
Philip has taught singing privately for many years, and at Canterbury Christ ....
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Mr. Kevin
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Mr. Jake
As a qualified teacher with over four years of teaching experience, 3 of whic....
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Miss Holly
Although I have no direct tutoring experience I was a peer mentor for Natural....
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Ms. Denise
I have experience in classroom and tutoring.
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Mr. Ian
I have been a singing teacher for thirty years, both as peripatetic visiting ....
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Mrs. Adele
I have been teaching Italian basically all my adult life in Italy and Switzer....
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Miss Paulina
10 years
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Mr. Fernando
Spanish teacher for adult community colleges in Devon, Spanish Tutor at Commu....
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Mr. Anjum
4 Years of tutoring experience Adult - ICT / Business / PGCE training / GCSE ....
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Mr. Lakshita
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Mr. Ridgestone
16 years experience
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