Tutors in Essex, UK
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Mr. Kostas
I have taught english for 6 years in Greece, as a private tutor to children.<....
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Mr. Tofazzal
Private one to one and couching class teaching experience and worked in an or....
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Mr. Graham
15 years as freelance teacher. 6 years at Alleyn Court Preparatory School.
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Miss Saralee
I am an outstanding maths teacher (AST - Advance Skills Teacher which is &ldq....
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Mr. Ivan
teaching covering key stages 1-3 curriculums with Children from year 1 to yea....
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Mr. Robbie
In total, I have been teaching for 12 years. I taught for 3 years as an unqua....
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Mr. Roger
I have been a secondary school teacher since 1999. I have taught Mathematics ....
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Mrs. Monika
since 2011
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Mrs. Lisa
I have tutored a year 9 over the last year and two year 12 students, prior to....
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Mr. Ibrahim
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Mrs. Larissa
30+ years teaching French, Russian, ESOL at all levels and IELTS at colleges,....
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Mr. Gavin
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Mr. Andrew
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Miss Olatz
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Ms. Graciela
I am a versatile music teacher with experience in groups and individuals of a....
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Mrs. Olga
Pupils are taught with individual approach to everyone's needs as they study ....
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Mrs. Joanna
Qualifications GCSEs- English Lаnguаge (AQA) A English Literаture (A....
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Mr. Rob
15+ years in schools, academies, college's and universities. Lead Music Mento....
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Miss Chloe
Tutoring for 4 years, all ages and abilities. First Class BA (Hons) Degree in....
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Ms. Prasanthi
I have nearly 8 years experience of working for music services, teaching in s....
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Miss Piper
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Mrs. Chantal
KS2 and KS3 Maths and English GCSE Maths Can tutor SEND too
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Miss Eleni
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Mr. Zak
- Extensive coaching and expertise in Parkour - English as a foreign language....
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Mrs. Laura
In total, I have taught seven students with private lessons and gave public l....
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Mr. Barry
Professional tutor since 2002
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Miss Darleny
4 years experience GCSE and independent adult learning
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Mr. Christos
Working as a pro football coach for over 3 year. Working at 2 different pro f....
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Miss Michelle
I have worked as a tutor for 3 years. I currently have 13 students of all age....
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Mr. Philip
I have taught in state and private schools, both at primary and secondary lev....
Please contact as many tutors as possible (up to 4 tutors at a time).
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