Tutors in Cornwall, UK
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Mr. Benjiers
Tutoring accounting, engineering, mathematics, sciences, languages
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Mr. Neil
I have been a peripetetic music teacher for over eight years
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Miss Nikki
Several years in the sport and fitness industry.
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Mr. Martin
I have tutored English and English Literature for over 20 years.
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Mr. Brian
I am primarily a Skills for Life Tutor, who has been teaching English, Maths ....
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Mrs. Jackie
I've been teaching languages since 1979 and over the years have taught from K....
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Miss Kelly
No tutoring experience but I do hold a TESOL teaching qualification and tutor....
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Miss Amy
Taught children from 4-11. I have achieved B's in all core GCSE subjects and ....
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Miss Yelena
Tutoring experience in high school.
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Miss Emily
I have experience tutoring A-Level Biology and a year's experience working in....
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Mr. Vincent
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Mr. Darren
4 Years private tutoring, 11+, Maths and English. 7 Years Primary Teaching an....
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Mr. Benny
Since 1992 I have been teaching in both a school of nursing and a University.....
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Mr. Steve
I have been an instrumental teacher for 25 years after serving in the armed f....
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Dr. Mark
Extensive experience in university setting
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Mr. Oliver
I have taught in the UK, USA, Canada, Australia, Indonesia and throughout Eur....
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Mr. Dan
Tutoring since 2004, training all my working life. (BSc, MSc)
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Mr. Graham
I have taught in 6th Form College and FE Colleges
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