Tutors in Bedfordshire, UK
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Ms. Elizabeth
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Mr. Pe
10 years plus
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Dr. Michael
I am a qualified teacher (PGCE) whose teaching experience includes having tau....
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Mr. Philip
I've been tutoring for 15 years, examining at GCSE for 10 years and IGCSE for....
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Miss Sakina Fatima
Tutored all stages of Maths upto GSCE and A Level Physics both in the UK and ....
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Miss Zahra
I have had the opportunity to tutor year 6 girls in my school, once a week, w....
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Mr. Sawan
My experience also extends to in-school teaching. I had the privilege of teac....
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Mr. Ali
• Experience includes tutoring GCSE maths to a number of students at Har....
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Mrs. Elena
I have over 12 years experience in supervising learning and teaching children....
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Mrs. Paula
I have taught in primary and secondary schools for 35 years and currently sup....
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Mr. Michael
I have taught at general English language schools, ESOL in a further educatio....
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Ms. Marina
14 years
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Miss Julia
I have been teaching part time in and around my studies/jobs with various pup....
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Mr. Chris
40 years experience.
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Mr. Viorel Titus
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Mr. George
Over 4 years mathematics tuition.
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Mr. Olusegun
4 years
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Miss Teodora
I am a motivated, adaptable and hard working individual who takes great pride....
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Mrs. Mini
I am an enthusiastic qualified mathematics teacher, who has more than ten yea....
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Mrs. Karen
I have been privately tutoring for the past year.
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Mr. Russell
I have taught privately for over 10 years.
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Ms. Pattie
I have a good understanding of Business English and Conversational English. M....
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Miss Annabel
Imagination; innovation; inspiration – tuition tailored to the individu....
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Ms. Annetta
I hаve been оffering privаte tuitiоn fоr 3 yeаrs, with а....
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Prof. William
I have taught accounting and finance for 30 years now.
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Mr. Nick
BTEC Travel & Tourism (Level 1,2,3) EdExcel Travel & Tourism (Level 4....
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Mr. Johnny
I have many years of experience in teaching people how to play the didgeridoo....
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Mr. Craig
Please contact as many tutors as possible (up to 4 tutors at a time). -
Dr. Emma
I am Visiting Research Fellow at King's College London's English department, ....
Please contact as many tutors as possible (up to 4 tutors at a time). -
Mr. Ramesh
I have experiance of 7+ year of teaching
Please contact as many tutors as possible (up to 4 tutors at a time).
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