Tutors in the United States of America
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Mr. Christopher
I have over 18 years of experience tutoring.
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Ms. Nicole
I have tutored English/ESL, reading comprehension, writing, public speaking, ....
Please contact as many tutors as possible (up to 4 tutors at a time). -
Mrs. Megan
15+ years experience. All levels, ages 5+
Please contact as many tutors as possible (up to 4 tutors at a time). -
Mr. Samir
I teach Arabic and French to students and adults of all skill levels, from be....
Please contact as many tutors as possible (up to 4 tutors at a time). -
Ms. Susan
5+ years
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Dr. Stavros
I have considerable tutoring experience in several higher education institutions....
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Mr. Alexander
My SAT Math qualifications: 800 on SAT Math; Math Team through middle and hig....
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Dr. Jerry
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Mr. Bryan
I have had the pleasure of tutoring numerous students on different portals.
Please contact as many tutors as possible (up to 4 tutors at a time). -
Miss Qianxi
5 years for Chinese tutoring 3 years for Math tutoring 1 years for Math teach....
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Mr. Mario
5 years
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Mrs. Barbara
Full time piano teacher. All students doing grade 8 piano earn distinctions. ....
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Ms. Kelsey
-English Tutor -Spanish Tutor -SAT Tutor -Kumon Learning Center Tutor
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Mr. Eric
Doctoral, masters, and undergraduate statistics
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Miss Divya
Please contact as many tutors as possible (up to 4 tutors at a time).
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Search Result
Mr. Paul
I have taught high school level, as well as college level foreign languages.<....
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Mr. Stefano
Please contact as many tutors as possible (up to 4 tutors at a time). -
Ms. Jessica
Please contact as many tutors as possible (up to 4 tutors at a time). -
Miss Jessica
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Mrs. Pascale
9 years face to face /phone/Skype/Webex
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Mr. Santhosh Reddy
6 years of Tutoring Experience
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Mr. Rajib
Please contact as many tutors as possible (up to 4 tutors at a time). -
Ms. Keri
I've tutored elementary age students for the past 15 years in reading.
Please contact as many tutors as possible (up to 4 tutors at a time). -
Dr. Dennis
k-12 all subjects- teach piano, swimming, tennis, skiing,sign language
Please contact as many tutors as possible (up to 4 tutors at a time). -
Mr. Scott
Please contact as many tutors as possible (up to 4 tutors at a time). -
Mrs. Barbara
Taught and tutored for over 20 years
Please contact as many tutors as possible (up to 4 tutors at a time). -
Mr. Kapil
Have tutored 150 students. Have garnered over 1000 hours of teaching experien....
Please contact as many tutors as possible (up to 4 tutors at a time). -
Mr. Matthew
12 years all levels - K-12, college, professional
Please contact as many tutors as possible (up to 4 tutors at a time). -
Mr. Greg
Experienced tutor. Adobe Creative Suite: Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, Dr....
Please contact as many tutors as possible (up to 4 tutors at a time). -
Miss Megan
Please contact as many tutors as possible (up to 4 tutors at a time).
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