Overview on Mediation
Jul 17,2020
I can pinpoint the day I realised the importance of the teacher. I was a Year 4 student when it suddenly occurred to me that my teacher realised my potential (which was unknown to me) and facilitated an environment in which I was able to reach it. From that moment onwards, I was single minded in pursuing a career in teaching. I have dedicated myself to being a passionate, creative and insightful teacher, recognising the potential of my students and helping them move forward from whatever their unique starting point may be.
In order to achieve the goal of reaching children with the diverse range of skills and talents that exist in any classroom, I am committed to differentiating any curriculum, frequently devising individualised or group programs. I am constantly seeking to find creative and innovative ways to deliver lesson content and to create a classroom where children can be guided to collaborate and explore topics in order to enrich their learning experience.
I have found that the vast majority of behaviour management issues can be dispelled through good humour and genuine relationship with my students. In the rare case of children struggling to conform their behaviour to the school expectations, I have devised and implemented successful behaviour systems that focus on the concept of being both an individual of integrity and a team player in the context of the classroom and playground.
I am frank and honest with my students, willing to share from my own life experience and taking an interest in theirs. I use compassion when dealing with students who struggle in particular areas, whether scholastic or social. I recognise that all children are gifted differently and part of my job is to help the child become self aware of his/her own potential. In my opinion, a student can be like a glass vault. The teacher can clearly see the treasure locked within, but s/he must sometimes try multiple strategies to access that treasure of potential. Within that analogy, some kids need a gentle, careful picking of the lock and others might need a stick of dynamite! I believe that my years of experience have helped me develop discernment and professional insight to assist students in the way that suits them best.
I believe that quality education is at the core of human progress and that teachers play a central role in facilitating a child to reach his or her potential. In my previous studies of Masters of Human Rights, and in my current study of Masters in International Development, I have majored in Education in the Developing World. I am committed to being both the best teacher I can possibly be in my classroom, as well as contributing in whatever small way I can, to the improvement of the education systems that currently exist in fragile nations. My passion for global citizenship is reflected in my program development and in the way I approach the choice of content, seeking to be as diverse as possible. Growing up in the multi-cultural climate of Australia with my own Dutch heritage as well as my experience of living in Scandinavia, conducting field research in Burundi and learning multiple languages has given me an appreciation of the richness and challenges that cultural diversity brings.
I am excited by cutting edge technologies that support the role of the teacher and bring innovative opportunities to students. I am dedicated to keeping myself up to date so as to make full use of the technology available. In the same vein, I am committed to professional development and enjoy learning new skills and philosophies from formal training and colleagues alike.
A core principle to my teaching philosophy is that of partnership with parents. Although not a commonly held opinion in Australian state schools, I am convinced that great communication and close collaboration with parents can be a powerful tool for the progress of the student. For example, I invite parents into my classroom and on excursions, send text messages to parents when their child achieves something noteworthy at school and create opportunities for socialising together as a class outside of school hours to build relationships and a sense of community.
To have the privilege of influencing a child’s understanding of themselves and their world is profound and humbling. To unlock for a child a new skill or piece of information; to provide them with that ‘light bulb’ moment is at the core of being a true educator. I believe it is a role to be met with professionalism, creativity, dedication, discernment and humour. It is my hope and goal to bring these attributes into each classroom in which I am fortunate enough to teach.
Filed Under: Philosophy Education Teacher Light Bulb Moment Holistic Humour Relationship Teacher Student
User Type: | Tutor Verified |
Name: | Juliette |
Uploaded Date: | May 17,2015 |