Overview on Mediation
Jul 17,2020
'Select My Tutor' helps students connect to various world-class tutors in close proximity to their residences.
Quality academic tutors are perhaps the most valuable resource every student wishes to have in the era of cutthroat competition. We understand that every student has his own individual needs which can be best addressed by a tutor who crafts the subject to the specification of the student. We at 'SelectMyTutor' act as the bridge in the harmonious relationship between tutors and students. Through our platform, we provide information that helps those seeking online tutoring, find the right tutor, check their availability, and schedule sessions with ease.
Our services empower you to choose from a very broad spectrum of tutors. We understand the difficulties faced by parents and students in choosing the right tutor. 'SelectMyTutor' takes pride in its network of experienced tutors for various subjects at various levels of the intellectual and academic ladder. We also enable students to go through the history of the tutors, thus presenting a complete prospectus about the tutor
Our comprehensive, easy to use services ensure that our registered tutors get the best of students. Create a profile on our website and you will be advertising your tutoring, be it a group class or a one to one home tutor private class. The profile page will have your qualification. Subjects you are interested to teach, the academic level you can teach and the rates per hour you are charging clearly listed. In addition to that you can define the zone you are willing to travel to.
We have introduced an innovative feature for parents on our website. Parents can now have full access to the account similar to the student account. Our innovative algorithm allows you to connect with your child, recommend tutors, recommend articles, search for tutors and even pay for them keeping all the privacy required.